Personuppgiftspolicy för Nitebite &

Nitebite, och ägarbolaget Goffels AB följer Personuppgiftslagen i sin hantering av personuppgifter. Dina uppgifter hanteras på ett korrekt och kontrollerat sätt så att du kan känna dig trygg när du handlar i vår webbshop. De personuppgifter som du lämnar och som vi sparar vid ditt köp, används för att kunna administrera dina inköp och vid eventuell uppföljningskontakt. Vi lämnar inte uppgifter till tredje part. Du kan skriva till Goffels AB, (som är personuppgiftsansvarig),, och begära att dina personuppgifter rättas eller tas bort. Du har även rätt att begära information om vilka uppgifter om dig som vi behandlar.

We respect and value your privacy and integrity. Hence, no personal information will be sold, given or transferred in any way to a third party. There is one exception, which is in connection with fulfilment and delivery of purchased products: your name, address, e-mail, and phone number are sent to our logistics partners so that they can send you your package.

We store your personal information in our secure web platform, as long as required to help you with your customer errands or as long as required by law, whichever is longer. According to Swedish laws, we must store personal purchasing information for a minimum of three years for guarantee purposes.

You have the right to request the personal information we have about you. If the personal information should be found to be incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, you have the right to demand that the personal information is corrected or deleted. You can also request to have your data transferred to a third-party of your choosing (portability). For requests concerning your personal information, send an e-mail to If you believe we use or process your personal data in an unacceptable manner, you can contact us or raise a complaint to a higher authority.